Lost Item Details: 

Lost Dark blue backbag

  • Item Lost

    Lost Dark blue backbag

  • Category


  • Brand


  • Primary Color

    Dark blue

  • Secondary Item Color

  • Date Lost


  • Time Lost

    1:15 AM

  • Location Lost

    JFK Airport (JFK), Queens, NY, USA

  • Additional Information

    A backbag that was left in the backseat (on the floor) of a taxi on Sat/Sun night, incl. little girl's stuff: an old iPad, charger, electric adapter, bambu iPad holder, big white headphones, orange&yellow hairbrush, pink soft duck toy and some other little toys, little black&white pouch with hair accessories inside, little yellow pouch with colorful stones inside. clothes: coral hoodie, grey sweatpants, white t-shirt with print, light pink jacket with gray sleeves and some other kids stuff. The phone number of this ad is my friend's who lives in NYC, please call her if you find this. You can also call me: +358 44 5747515. Thank you!

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