Venue Lost and Found Software

Venues such as concerts, conferences and sporting events can get quite hectic at times and people lose or misplace items. With all of the commotion, long lines, crowded space, it’s no surprise that losing something is a common issue.


Unfortunately when you lose items at a venue, they are not so easy to retrieve. Besides having to fight through crowds to try and report your lost or misplaced item, you also have to deal with everyone else who lost something.


At Lostings we take losing items at venues very seriously and have built an intelligent lost & found system to help simplify this issue. Our intelligent lost and found matching system automatically processes each individual lost or found submission. We then match and identify items by a number of different criteria for better accuracy in identifying who has your property. Once potential matches are generated, we automatically notify you and the person(s) who has found your lost items. The most reliable way to report items lost at a venue is to complete the submission form below. For the best results of finding your lost or misplaced property, please provide a detailed description of what you lost, where you lost it and any additional information that you may have. This will help us to find and locate your lost items.


Submitting lost or found items has never been easier, simply enter the details of the lost or found property and let our smart matching system get to work for you.

  • Easily Submit lost and found items into our intelligent matching system
  • Hassle free account signup process, auto-generate profile and start submitting items
  • Intelligent matching system which identifies and matches lost or found items
  • All submissions processed through our lost and found matching system
  • Receive notification alerts of property that pair’s with your submission
  • Contact the user who’s item potentially matches yours
  • Feature lost items to display on all of our websites and social media platforms
  • Ability to edit your lost or found submission, add photos, print fliers, manage submissions, email potential matches, etc
  • Search Lostings database to gain access to previously submitted lost or found items
  • The Website and Mobile Website are all one dynamic platform that is streamlined to seamlessly work together

On order to access all of the Lostings features, submit a lost or found item.